Prior to Vanessa and I coming to the Solomon Islands, another colleague, Andy Postlewhite from Wonthaggi Corps, indicated that they had a supply of unused brass instruments that the Corps would be happy to donate should they be needed. At that point in time, we had no intention of imposing a brass band onto the Solomon Islands, as we wanted the expression of worship in The Salvation Army to emerge from within their culture. However, their enthusiasm to start a brass band led us to accept this generous offer. So, together with a number of other donations of music and instruments organised by David, these brass instruments made their way to Honiara.
Our Sunday morning worship service provided the first opportunity for our newly formed brass band learners to perform before an audience after only two days of tuition. The congregation were amazed and delighted to hear their progress in such a short time. The room was filled with cheers, laughter and applause at the sight of the very first Salvation Army Band for the Solomon Islands. A couple of the Corps leaders even commented that this was a significant step forward in the growth and development of The Salvation Army Solomon Islands. The inclusion of brass into the worship by David and myself with the song ‘I Give You My Heart’ really lifted the worship musically to another level and David’s reprise of ‘People Get Ready’ was a huge hit. A prayer of dedication was offered over the donated instruments and the brass learners, dedicating this new music ministry to the glory of God.
We are immeasurably grateful for David’s generosity of his time, talents and resources to turn our vision into a reality. He has left a musical legacy that has laid the foundation for the ongoing growth and development of this music program in the Solomon Islands. We are also very grateful for the new partnership that has been forged with the RSIPF Band and look forward to continuing this relationship into the future as we work together to raise up a new generation of brass musicians.