Pre-Tour Focus Questions
What are your specific learning goals for this experience?
The Leadership Summit and Study Tour is a unique and privileged opportunity for me to venture beyond my own sphere of influence to gain insight into leadership and ministry from an international perspective.
I expect that the Leadership Summit will offer me valuable learning opportunities through diverse experiences and teaching from other successful church leaders. While the Study Tour will provide a Salvation Army context of mission and ministry to integrate these two experiences to further my development as an Officer of The Salvation Army.
My work experience, training as an officer and two appointments, has taught me “attitude is everything”. A significant part of my own personal journey has been the refinement of my attitude through the wisdom and direction of others and the transforming work of the Holy Spirit. As I have matured and grown as an officer, I have become increasingly aware of how my attitude to God, my family and ministry directly influences those under my leadership.
Therefore, it is my desire that through this experience I will:
- Focus more on the inner life as a spiritual leader, in the context of a busy ministry
- Become more Christ-dependent, rather than being self-reliant in ministry
“To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.” (Marylin vos Savant)
Although I am passionate about learning, opportunities for formal study in my ministry have been limited by distance and the struggle to balance time for pursuit of knowledge with the fulfilment of responsibilities in my appointments. However, through the challenges and opportunities of both appointments, I have gained much knowledge and experience through observing the ministry of corps members, staff, volunteers, other officers/ministers and community leaders.
Therefore, it is my desire that through this experience I will:
- Absorb as much knowledge as I can from the experience and teaching of other leaders
- Observe and learn from a variety of helpful models of mission and ministry
“And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them.” (Psalm 78:72)
There are many new skills I have had to learn as an officer, and it seems that the more I learn, the more I need to know. One of the things that excites and challenges me the most as a Corps Officer is the incredible variety of tasks I must engage in. This reality has been amplified by the integration of various social ministries in my current Corps appointment. I believe that to be faithful to my calling in leading God’s people, I have a responsibility to gain whatever skills are necessary to remain proactive and effective in ministry.
Therefore, it is my desire that through this experience I will:
- Further develop skills to empower the leaders in my Corps for mission and ministry
- Develop and implement a plan of action to apply knowledge and skills gained